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Requesting data commitment ranges

By default, the Blobstream X deployments on Ethereum will be updating every 4 hours, and on Arbitrum One and Base, updating every 1 hour. If you wish for the Blobstream X contract to be updated at a different cadence, then you have several different options for how to update the smart contract.

To request proofs to be submitted to the Blobstream X contract at a different cadence, you can do one of the following:

Run the Blobstream X operator with hosted proving on the Succinct platform, by running an operator script that pings the platform with proof requests at a specified cadence.

Follow these instructions to run the operator script.

Here are example values for the .env file:

  1. TENDERMINT_RPC_URL from the public Celestia list.
  3. Request for SUCCINCT_API_KEY from the Succinct team.
  4. CHAIN_ID is the chain ID of the deployed Blobstream X contract.
  5. CONTRACT_ADDRESS: Blobstream X proxy contract address.
  6. NEXT_HEADER_FUNCTION_ID & HEADER_RANGE_FUNCTION_ID: Get the functionId's from the Blobstream X contract by using the nextHeaderFunctionId and headerRangeFunctionId respectively, which are public storage variables.

Local proving

Run the Blobstream X operator with local proving.


Note: Requires a large cloud machine to run in a reasonable amount of time. EC2 r6a.16xlarge takes ~30 minutes to generate a header range proof.

Request proof onchain

Directly request a proof via the Blobstream X contract interface. Unlike the Blobstream X operator which handles requests off-chain, requesting on-chain requires gas, but the proof will be generated and relayed by the Succinct platform.

  1. Call requestHeaderRange(uint64 _targetBlock) with the end of the range you want a commitment for.

  2. A DataCommitmentStored(uint256, uint64, uint64, bytes32) will be emitted for the requested range when it is stored in the contract. Listen to this event to know that the proof has been generated successfully.