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Network selection

Note: If you do not select a network, the default network will be Mainnet Beta.

celestia <node-type> init <network>
celestia <node-type> start <network> --core.ip <URI>
celestia <node-type> init <network>
celestia <node-type> start <network> --core.ip <URI>


Refer to the ports section of this page for information on which ports are required to be open on your machine.


It is advised before switching networks to reinitialize your node via init command. This is due to an old config being present. Re-initialisation will reset the config.

Chain ID

When interacting with celestia-node, it is important to take into account the different chain IDs for different networks. For Mainnet Beta, there is no need to declare a chain ID, as the default is celestia, i.e. no string flag is required for Mainnet Beta.

NetworkChain string
Mainnet Betacelestianot required ( celestia) mocha arabica


When interacting with a Celestia node, you may need to open ports on your machine to allow communication between nodes, such as bridge nodes. It is essential that specific ports are accessible. Make sure that your firewall allows connections to the correct ports.

If you run a node on a cloud server, make sure that the ports are open on the server's firewall. If you run a node at home, make sure that your router allows connections to the correct ports.

For example, validator ports 9090 and 26657 need to be accessible by the bridge, and port 2121 is required for P2P connections for all node types.

The following ports are used by Celestia nodes:

PortProtocolAddressDescriptionEnabled by default on nodeFlag
26658HTTPlocalhostRPCtrue--rpc.port string
26659HTTPlocalhostREST Gatewayfalse--gateway.port string


The gateway endpoints have been deprecated and will be removed in the future. If you would like to use them anyway, you can find more details on GitHub.

Changing the location of your node store

In this section, we'll guide you through starting your node using a node store in a different location than you originally started with.

First, stop your node safely using control + C.

Then, init your node again with a new node store:

celestia <node-type> init /home/user/celestia-<node-type>-location/ \ mocha
celestia <node-type> init /home/user/celestia-<node-type>-location/ \ mocha

Next, start your node:

celestia full start --core.ip mocha \ /home/user/celestia-<node-type>-location/
celestia full start --core.ip mocha \ /home/user/celestia-<node-type>-location/

If you choose to change the location of your node store, you will need to execute each command on your node with the following flag:

bash /home/user/celestia-<node-type>-location/ /home/user/celestia-<node-type>-location/

When using cel-key, the process is different. To show the keys you should add --keyring-dir like this example:

./cel-key list mocha --node.type full \
    --keyring-dir /home/user/celestia-<node-type>-location/keys/
./cel-key list mocha --node.type full \
    --keyring-dir /home/user/celestia-<node-type>-location/keys/

Resetting your config

If you an encounter an error, it is likely that an old config file is present:

Error: nodebuilder/share: interval must be positive; nodebuilder/core: invalid IP addr given:

# or

Error: nodebuilder/share: interval must be positive
Error: nodebuilder/share: interval must be positive; nodebuilder/core: invalid IP addr given:

# or

Error: nodebuilder/share: interval must be positive

You can re-initialize your node's config with the following commands:


Save your config so custom values are not lost.

Run the following command to update your config:

celestia <node-type> config-update <network>
celestia <node-type> config-update <network>

This will pull in any new values from new configuration and merge them into the existing configuration.


After using the config-update command, it is encouraged to double-check that your custom values are preserved.

Then, to start your node again:

celestia <node-type> start <network>
celestia <node-type> start <network>

Clearing the data store

For bridge, full, and light nodes, remove the data store with this command:

celestia <node-type> unsafe-reset-store <network>
celestia <node-type> unsafe-reset-store <network>
celestia light unsafe-reset-store mocha
celestia light unsafe-reset-store mocha

FATAL headers given to the heightSub are in the wrong order

If you observe a FATAL log line like:

FATAL   header/store   store/heightsub.go:87    PLEASE FILE A BUG REPORT: headers given to the heightSub are in the wrong order"
FATAL   header/store   store/heightsub.go:87    PLEASE FILE A BUG REPORT: headers given to the heightSub are in the wrong order"

then it is possible the celestia-node data/ directory contains headers from a previous instance of the network that you are currently trying to run against. One resolution strategy is to delete the existing celestia-node config for the target network and re-initialize it:

# rm -rf ~/.celestia-<node-type>-<network>
rm -rf ~/.celestia-bridge-private

# celestia <node-type> init <network>
celestia bridge init private
# rm -rf ~/.celestia-<node-type>-<network>
rm -rf ~/.celestia-bridge-private

# celestia <node-type> init <network>
celestia bridge init private

Error: "too many open files"

When running a Celestia bridge node, you may encounter an error in the logs similar to this:

Error while creating log file in error: while opening file: /opt/celestia/.celestia-bridge/data/003442.vlog error: open /opt/celestia/.celestia-bridge/data/003442.vlog: too many open files
Error while creating log file in error: while opening file: /opt/celestia/.celestia-bridge/data/003442.vlog error: open /opt/celestia/.celestia-bridge/data/003442.vlog: too many open files

This error indicates that the Celestia application is trying to open more files than the operating system's limit allows. To fix this, you will need to edit the Celestia bridge service file to increase the number of file descriptors that the service can open.

  1. Open the service file for editing:
nano /etc/systemd/system/celestia-bridge.service
nano /etc/systemd/system/celestia-bridge.service
  1. Modify the LimitNOFILE parameter:

In the service file, find the LimitNOFILE parameter under the [Service] section and set its value to 1400000. It should look like this:



Be cautious when increasing file descriptor limits. Setting this value too high might affect system performance. Ensure the value is appropriate for your system's capabilities.

  1. Reload daemon and restart bridge service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart celestia-bridge
sudo systemctl restart celestia-bridge