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Celestia inherits support for multisig accounts from the Cosmos SDK. Multisig accounts behave similarly to regular accounts with the added requirement that a threshold of signatures is needed to authorize a transaction.

Multisig accounts can be created from the command line or using a graphical interface such as Keplr.

Command line


# Prerequisite: prior to running this script, start a single node devnet with ./scripts/

# Create 3 test keys
celestia-appd keys add test1
celestia-appd keys add test2
celestia-appd keys add test3
# Create the multisig account
celestia-appd keys add multisig \
    --multisig test1,test2,test3 \
    --multisig-threshold 2

# Send some funds from the validator account to the multisig account
celestia-appd tx bank send $VALIDATOR $MULTISIG 100000utia \
    --from $VALIDATOR \
    --fees 1000utia \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
    --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND \
    --broadcast-mode $BROADCAST_MODE \

# Send some funds from the multisig account to the validator account.
# Note this transaction will need to be signed by at least 2 of the 3 test accounts.
celestia-appd tx bank send $MULTISIG $VALIDATOR 1utia \
    --from $MULTISIG \
    --fees 1000utia \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
    --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND \
    --generate-only > unsignedTx.json

# Sign from test1 and test2
celestia-appd tx sign unsignedTx.json \
    --multisig $MULTISIG \
    --from test1 \
    --output-document test1sig.json \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
celestia-appd tx sign unsignedTx.json \
    --multisig $MULTISIG \
    --from test2 \
    --output-document test2sig.json \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

# Generate the final signed transaction
celestia-appd tx multisign unsignedTx.json multisig \
    test1sig.json test2sig.json \
    --output-document signedTx.json \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

# Prerequisite: prior to running this script, start a single node devnet with ./scripts/

# Create 3 test keys
celestia-appd keys add test1
celestia-appd keys add test2
celestia-appd keys add test3
# Create the multisig account
celestia-appd keys add multisig \
    --multisig test1,test2,test3 \
    --multisig-threshold 2

# Send some funds from the validator account to the multisig account
celestia-appd tx bank send $VALIDATOR $MULTISIG 100000utia \
    --from $VALIDATOR \
    --fees 1000utia \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
    --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND \
    --broadcast-mode $BROADCAST_MODE \

# Send some funds from the multisig account to the validator account.
# Note this transaction will need to be signed by at least 2 of the 3 test accounts.
celestia-appd tx bank send $MULTISIG $VALIDATOR 1utia \
    --from $MULTISIG \
    --fees 1000utia \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
    --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND \
    --generate-only > unsignedTx.json

# Sign from test1 and test2
celestia-appd tx sign unsignedTx.json \
    --multisig $MULTISIG \
    --from test1 \
    --output-document test1sig.json \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
celestia-appd tx sign unsignedTx.json \
    --multisig $MULTISIG \
    --from test2 \
    --output-document test2sig.json \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

# Generate the final signed transaction
celestia-appd tx multisign unsignedTx.json multisig \
    test1sig.json test2sig.json \
    --output-document signedTx.json \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
