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Run an OP Stack rollup with Celestia underneath

This guide will show you how to run your own OP Stack devnet and testnet that posts data to Celestia's Mocha testnet using roll-op and op-plasma-celestia.

The roll-op tool is used to deploy and manage the OP Stack rollup environment, including the rollup, batcher, and other components. While the op-plasma-celestia integration allows the OP Stack to use Celestia as the data availability (DA) layer.

This guide is in two parts:

  • First, you'll spin up a mock L1 environment and deploy a devnet that posts data to the Mocha testnet.
  • In the second part, you'll deploy a testnet that posts data to the Mocha testnet, but this time on a real L1 environment; the Ethereum Sepolia testnet. This will involve setting up a configuration file with the necessary details like Sepolia chain ID, RPC URL, and your deployment keys.

After successful deployments, you'll be able to observe data blobs being successfully submitted to the Mocha testnet in the logs, as well as some activity on your rollup account on Celenium.

If you don't have devops experience and would like to use a Rollups as a Service (RaaS) provider, see the RaaS category in the menu.

This guide is also available on YouTube if you'd like to follow along with a video.

Dependency setup

Setting up your light node

Sync and fund a Celestia light node. The light node must be fully synced and funded for you to be able to submit and retrieve PayForBlobs to Mocha Testnet. This allows your rollup to post and retrieve data without any errors.

In order to mount existing data, you must have a node store that is in the default directory:


By default, the node will run with the account named my_celes_key on Mocha. This is the account that needs to be funded.


Unless you changed your configuration, you won't have to change anything. 😎

Deploying a devnet to Mocha

See the Alt-DA x Celestia README for instructions on how to deploy a Devnet.

TIP for macOS users

If you are on macOS, you will need to run a venv before starting roll-op.

cd $HOME/roll-op
python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
cd $HOME/roll-op
python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

Congrats! Your devnet is running on a mock EVM chain and Celestia Mocha.

Deploying a testnet to an L1 (or L2) and Mocha

See the Alt-DA x Celestia README for instructions on how to deploy a Testnet.


If you are using a public RPC for your EVM chain, you should enable deploy_slowly = true in your config.toml. If you still have issues, we recommend running the integration with a high-availability, paid endpoint.

When you are deploying to a live EVM network, pay attention and modify the configuration to post to non-Sepolia EVM chains.

Here is an example:

# Chain ID of your rollup
l2_chain_id = 1117733

# Sepolia Ethereum
l1_chain_id = 11155111
l1_rpc_url = ""

## Avoid issues with public RPC
deploy_slowly = true

## Keys
contract_deployer_account = "0xaddress"
contract_deployer_key = "privatekey"
batcher_account = "0xaddress"
batcher_key = "privatekey"
proposer_account = "0xaddress"
proposer_key = "privatekey"
admin_account = "0xaddress"
admin_key = "privatekey"
p2p_sequencer_account = "0xaddress"
p2p_sequencer_key = "privatekey"
# Chain ID of your rollup
l2_chain_id = 1117733

# Sepolia Ethereum
l1_chain_id = 11155111
l1_rpc_url = ""

## Avoid issues with public RPC
deploy_slowly = true

## Keys
contract_deployer_account = "0xaddress"
contract_deployer_key = "privatekey"
batcher_account = "0xaddress"
batcher_key = "privatekey"
proposer_account = "0xaddress"
proposer_key = "privatekey"
admin_account = "0xaddress"
admin_key = "privatekey"
p2p_sequencer_account = "0xaddress"
p2p_sequencer_key = "privatekey"

Your 0xaddress key must also be funded with testnet ETH. We recommend at least 10 SepoliaETH to get your chain started, but you will need more to keep it running longer.


Congrats! You now have an OP Stack rollup running with Celestia underneath.

You can learn more about Alt-DA in Optimism docs.