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Deploy an OP Stack devnet

This guide will show you how to run your own OP Stack devnet.

Dependency setup

Environment setup and Golang installation

First, install dependencies for Celestia software and for OP Stack.

Clone repository

Next, clone the repo:

cd $HOME
git clone
cd optimism
cd $HOME
git clone
cd optimism

Check out to the version for either the stable version or upstream version:

git checkout tags/v1.2.0-OP_v1.7.0-CN_v0.12.4
git submodule update --init --recursive
git checkout tags/v1.2.0-OP_v1.7.0-CN_v0.12.4
git submodule update --init --recursive
git checkout celestia-develop
git submodule update --init --recursive
git checkout celestia-develop
git submodule update --init --recursive

Build devnet

Build TypeScript definitions for TS dependencies:

cd $HOME
cd optimism
cd $HOME
cd optimism

Set environment variables to start network:

export SEQUENCER_BATCH_INBOX_ADDRESS=0xff00000000000000000000000000000000000000
export L2OO_ADDRESS=0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8
export SEQUENCER_BATCH_INBOX_ADDRESS=0xff00000000000000000000000000000000000000
export L2OO_ADDRESS=0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8

Start devnet

Start the network by running:

make devnet-up
make devnet-up

This starts up the layer 1 (ETH), layer 2 (op-geth), data availability layer (Celestia), the sequencer (op-node), batch submitter (op-batcher), state commitment service (op-proposer).

View the logs of the devnet

If you'd like to view the logs of the devnet, run the following command from the root of the Optimism directory:

make devnet-logs
make devnet-logs
Optional: Docker tips

Stop devnet

If you'd like to start the network over, use the following command to safely shut down all of the containers:

make devnet-down
make devnet-down

Then clean out the old config:

make devnet-clean
make devnet-clean

Viewing containers

To view the containers running, send:

docker ps
docker ps

Find the container ID of the ops-bedrock_op-batcher_1 and run the following to follow the logs:

docker logs -f <container-id>
docker logs -f <container-id>

In a new terminal, find the container ID of the and run the following to follow the logs:

docker logs -f <container-id>
docker logs -f <container-id>

You can do the same for other containers as you explore the stack.

Find a transaction

Now, we'll check for a recent transaction on the L1 with:

cast block latest --rpc-url localhost:8545
cast block latest --rpc-url localhost:8545

Output of a block that contains a transaction will look like this:

baseFeePerGas        7
difficulty           2
extraData            0xd883010d04846765746888676f312e32312e33856c696e7578000000000000006b3afa42dce1f87f1f07a1ef569c4d43e41738ef93c865098bfa1458645f384e2e4498bcfe4ad9353ff1913a2e16162f496fafe5b0939a6c78fb5b503248d6da01
gasLimit             30000000
gasUsed              21568
hash                 0x1cb54d2369752ef73511c202ff9cdfd0eadf3a77b7aef0092bea63f2b5d57659
logsBloom            0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
miner                0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
mixHash              0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
nonce                0x0000000000000000
number               1141
parentHash           0x664bf4bb4a57dd5768a0a98991d77c58fb7a4e164c2581c79fb33ce9c3d4c250
receiptsRoot         0xaf8ff6af1180c8be9e4e8f3a5f882b3b227233f4abbefa479836d3721682a389
sealFields           []
sha3Uncles           0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
size                 767
stateRoot            0xd4b998a35d20d98ed3488221f0c161a0a9572d3de66399482553c8e3d2fae751
timestamp            1699638350
totalDifficulty      2283
transactions:        [
baseFeePerGas        7
difficulty           2
extraData            0xd883010d04846765746888676f312e32312e33856c696e7578000000000000006b3afa42dce1f87f1f07a1ef569c4d43e41738ef93c865098bfa1458645f384e2e4498bcfe4ad9353ff1913a2e16162f496fafe5b0939a6c78fb5b503248d6da01
gasLimit             30000000
gasUsed              21568
hash                 0x1cb54d2369752ef73511c202ff9cdfd0eadf3a77b7aef0092bea63f2b5d57659
logsBloom            0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
miner                0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
mixHash              0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
nonce                0x0000000000000000
number               1141
parentHash           0x664bf4bb4a57dd5768a0a98991d77c58fb7a4e164c2581c79fb33ce9c3d4c250
receiptsRoot         0xaf8ff6af1180c8be9e4e8f3a5f882b3b227233f4abbefa479836d3721682a389
sealFields           []
sha3Uncles           0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
size                 767
stateRoot            0xd4b998a35d20d98ed3488221f0c161a0a9572d3de66399482553c8e3d2fae751
timestamp            1699638350
totalDifficulty      2283
transactions:        [

Copy the transaction hash from transactions: <transaction-hash> and set it as a variable:

export TX_HASH=0x79a0a7a1b4936aafe7a37dbfb07a6a9e55c145a4ed6fd54f962649b4b7db8de7
export TX_HASH=0x79a0a7a1b4936aafe7a37dbfb07a6a9e55c145a4ed6fd54f962649b4b7db8de7

Read the transaction call data

Now read the transaction call data on the L1:

cast tx $TX_HASH --rpc-url localhost:8545
cast tx $TX_HASH --rpc-url localhost:8545

The output will look similar to below:

blockHash            0x9f4dfae061b5ddd86f95a81be5daa0d7fe32e7f7f770f86dc375e0007d249bd2
blockNumber          24
from                 0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC
gas                  21572
gasPrice             1040676758
hash                 0xadd3a5dc0b8c605aeac891098e87cbaff43bb642896ebbf74f964c0690e46df2
input                0xce3500000000000000769074a923011bdda721eacc34c8a77c69c10f2b6c8e659f987e82f217a5340f
nonce                4
r                    0xaf5c1505c7dfcebca94d9a6a8c0caf99b6c87a8ed6d6c0b3161c9026f270a84f
s                    0x383ed2debf9f9055920cd7340418dda7e2bca6b989eb6992d83d123d4e322f2a
to                   0xFf00000000000000000000000000000000000901
transactionIndex     0
v                    0
value                0
yParity              0
blockHash            0x9f4dfae061b5ddd86f95a81be5daa0d7fe32e7f7f770f86dc375e0007d249bd2
blockNumber          24
from                 0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC
gas                  21572
gasPrice             1040676758
hash                 0xadd3a5dc0b8c605aeac891098e87cbaff43bb642896ebbf74f964c0690e46df2
input                0xce3500000000000000769074a923011bdda721eacc34c8a77c69c10f2b6c8e659f987e82f217a5340f
nonce                4
r                    0xaf5c1505c7dfcebca94d9a6a8c0caf99b6c87a8ed6d6c0b3161c9026f270a84f
s                    0x383ed2debf9f9055920cd7340418dda7e2bca6b989eb6992d83d123d4e322f2a
to                   0xFf00000000000000000000000000000000000901
transactionIndex     0
v                    0
value                0
yParity              0


You are looking for a batcher transaction to the address 0xFf00000000000000000000000000000000000901.

First, remove the prefix 0xce. Now, set the input as the INPUT variable and encode it as base64:

export INPUT=ce3500000000000000769074a923011bdda721eacc34c8a77c69c10f2b6c8e659f987e82f217a5340f
export ENCODED_INPUT=$(echo "$INPUT" | xxd -r -p | base64)
export INPUT=ce3500000000000000769074a923011bdda721eacc34c8a77c69c10f2b6c8e659f987e82f217a5340f
export ENCODED_INPUT=$(echo "$INPUT" | xxd -r -p | base64)


Remember to remove the 0xce prefix!

Find the data on Celestia

Clone the go-da repository:

cd $HOME
git clone
cd go-da/proto/da
cd $HOME
git clone
cd go-da/proto/da

Now, from go-da/proto/da run:

grpcurl -proto da.proto -plaintext -d "{\"ids\": [{\"value\": \"$ENCODED_INPUT\"}]}" da.DAService.Get
grpcurl -proto da.proto -plaintext -d "{\"ids\": [{\"value\": \"$ENCODED_INPUT\"}]}" da.DAService.Get

Your result will look similar to the below!

  "blobs": [
      "value": "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"
  "blobs": [
      "value": "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"

Ethereum fallback mechanism in OP Stack

The Ethereum fallback mechanism allows rollups to "fall back" to Ethereum or another EVM chain in the case of downtime or errors submitting data to Celestia.

Implementation of fallback

The Ethereum fallback mechanism is implemented in the celestiaorg/optimism v1.1.0 release.

The op-batcher/batcher/driver.go and op-node/rollup/derive/calldata_source.go files are part of the Ethereum fallback mechanism in the op-batcher and op-node respectively.

In driver.go, the calldataTxCandidate function is responsible for the write path of the Ethereum fallback. This function creates and submits a transaction to the batch inbox address with the given data. It uses the underlying txmgr to handle transaction sending and gas price management.

If the transaction data can be published as a blob to Celestia, it replaces the calldata with a blob identifier and sends the transaction with this data. If it cannot be published to Celestia, it falls back to Ethereum without any change to the transaction.

The blob identifier starts with the special prefix 0xce, which was chosen as a mnemonic for Celestia, and indicates that the remaining data has to interpreted as a little-endian encoded Block Height (8 bytes) and Blob Commitment (32 bytes). The combination of these can later be used to retrieve the original calldata from Celestia.

Prefix8 bytes32 bytes
0xceBlock HeightBlob Commitment
func (l *BatchSubmitter) sendTransaction(
    txdata txData,
    queue *txmgr.Queue[txData],
    receiptsCh chan txmgr.TxReceipt[txData],
) {
    // ...
func (l *BatchSubmitter) sendTransaction(
    txdata txData,
    queue *txmgr.Queue[txData],
    receiptsCh chan txmgr.TxReceipt[txData],
) {
    // ...

In calldata_source.go, the DataFromEVMTransactions function defines the read path of the Ethereum fallback. This function filters all of the transactions and returns the calldata from transactions that are sent to the batch inbox address from the batch sender address.

If the calldata matches the version prefix 0xce, it is decoded as a blob identifier, the original calldata is retrieved from Celestia and returned for derivation. If the calldata does not match the prefix, the entire calldata is returned for derivation.

func DataFromEVMTransactions(
    config *rollup.Config,
    batcherAddr common.Address,
    txs types.Transactions,
    log log.Logger
) ([]eth.Data, error) {
    // ...
func DataFromEVMTransactions(
    config *rollup.Config,
    batcherAddr common.Address,
    txs types.Transactions,
    log log.Logger
) ([]eth.Data, error) {
    // ...

These two functions work together to ensure that the Ethereum fallback mechanism operates correctly, allowing the rollup to continue functioning even during periods of downtime on Celestia.

Testing the fallback

Testing out the Ethereum fallback mechanism can be done with the go-da tool. Triggering a simultaneous blob transaction will cause the op-batcher blob transaction to fail, with an incorrect account sequence error, which triggers a fallback to Ethereum.

To trigger the transaction, send this command from the same go/proto/da directory:

grpcurl -proto da.proto -plaintext -d '{"blobs": [{"value": "SGVsbG8gd28ybGQh"}]}' da.DAService.Submit
grpcurl -proto da.proto -plaintext -d '{"blobs": [{"value": "SGVsbG8gd28ybGQh"}]}' da.DAService.Submit

Alternatively, you can shut off the local-celestia-devnet and see that the OP Stack devnet logs show that the rollup has fallen back to the L1, in this case Ethereum, for posting data.

Span batches

Span batches can be enabled by setting OP_BATCHER_BATCH_TYPE: 1 in your docker-compose.yml file.

Note that this requires the Delta activation time to be configured. For your devnet, you should set "l2GenesisDeltaTimeOffset": "0x0", in devnetL1-template.json. This will enable span batches and can be tested by grepping docker compose logs -f | grep batch_type which should include batch_type=SpanBatch and batch_type=1.